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デザインを学びたい全ての方へ – 海外のデザイン学習リソース200選
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海外のデザイン学習リソース 23のカテゴリー
- Online Learning(オンライン学習)
- UI/Web:(ユーザインターフェイス/ウェブ)
- General(一般)
- Product(プロダクト)
- Branding:(ブランディング)
- Book Cover Design:(ブックカバーデザイン)
- Design Portals(デザインポータル)
- Web Personalities(有名ブログ)
- UI/UX/Web(ユーザインターフェイス/ユーザエクスペリエンス/ウェブ)
- Graphic Design & Identity(グラフィックデザイン)
- Data Visualization(データ視覚化)
- Typography(タイポグラフィー)
- Print(印刷)
- High Brow(知識人向け)
- Communication, Collaboration, and Leadership(コミニケーション、コラボレーション、リーダーシップ)
- Strategy and Business Design(ストラテジー & ビジネスデザイン)
- Economics and Metrics (経済学 & メトリックス)
- Organizational Culture (組織文化)
- Sustainability and Social Innovation(サステイナビリティー & ソーシャルイノベーション)
- Design and Customer Experience (カスタマーエクスペリエンスデザイン)
- Entrepreneurship(起業家論)
- Films(フィルム)
- Articles(記事)
Online Learning(オンライン学習)
- Lynda.com: http://www.lynda.com/
- threehouse: http://teamtreehouse.com/
- EDx: https://www.edx.org/
- Codeacademy: http://www.codecademy.com/
- khanacademy: http://www.khanacademy.org/
- Coursera: https://www.coursera.org
- CreativeApplications.Net: http://www.creativeapplications.net
- siiimple: http://www.siiimple.com
- Smashing Magazine: http://www.smashingmagazine.com
- SiteInspire: http://www.siteinspire.net
- Lookwork: http://lookwork.com
- idsgn: http://www.idsgn.org
- swissmiss: http://www.swiss-miss.com
- Subtraction: http://www.subtraction.com
- Behance: http://behance.net
- FFFFOUND!: http://ffffound.com
- grain edit: http://grainedit.com
- Behance Network: http://www.behance.net/
- Co.Design (Fast Company): http://www.fastcodesign.com/
- Co.Exist (Fast Company): http://www.fastcoexist.com/
- Creative Review: http://www.creativereview.co.uk/…
- Core77: http://www.core77.com/
- Design Assembly: http://www.designassembly.org/
- Designboom: http://www.designboom.com/eng/
- Design Mind (Frog Design): http://designmind.frogdesign.com…
- Étapes (French): http://www.etapes.com/
- Fubiz: http://www.fubiz.net/
- Good: http://www.good.is/category/art-…
- swissmiss: http://www.swiss-miss.com/
- WANKEN: http://blog.wanken.com/
- Core77: http://www.core77.com
- LovelyPackage: http://lovelypackage.com
- 50 Insanely Creative and Stunning Packaging Designs: https://designschool.canva.com/blog/packaging-design/
- mcoloco: http://www.mocoloco.com
- IndustrialDesignServed: http://www.industrialdesignserved.com
- Stilsucht: http://www.stilsucht.de/
- DesignMilk: http://design-milk.com/
- Brand New: Opinions on Corporate and Brand Identity Work: http://www.underconsideration.com/brandnew/
- IdentityWorks: http://www.identityworks.com
- BrandingServed: http://www.brandingserved.com
Book Cover Design:(ブックカバーデザイン)
- CasualOptimist: http://www.casualoptimist.com
- BookCoverArchive: http://bookcoverarchive.com
Design Portals(デザインポータル)
- StyleBoost: http://www.styleboost.com/
- TheFWA: http://www.thefwa.com/
- Dribbble: http://www.dribbble.com/
- SiteInspire: http://www.siteinspire.com
Web Personalities(有名個人ブログ)
- Shaun Inman: http://www.shauninman.com/blog/
- Substraction: http://www.subtraction.com/
- StopDesign: http://stopdesign.com/
- HicksDesign: http://hicksdesign.co.uk/journal/
- A List Apart: http://www.alistapart.com/articles/
- Aza Raskin: http://www.azarask.in/blog/
- Creative Applications: http://www.creativeapplications….
- iA: http://www.informationarchitects…
- Johnny Holland: http://johnnyholland.org/
- LukeW: http://www.lukew.com/ff/
- Pttrns: http://pttrns.com/
- siteInspire: http://siteinspire.com/
- Six Revisions: http://sixrevisions.com/
- Small Surfaces: http://smallsurfaces.com/
- Spyline: http://spyline.de/
- Styleboost: http://styleboost.com/
- TheFWA: http://www.thefwa.com/
- UX Booth: http://www.uxbooth.com/
Graphic Design & Identity(グラフィックデザイン)
- AisleOne: http://www.aisleone.net/
- Brand New: http://www.underconsideration.co…
- Branding Served: http://www.brandingserved.com/
- grain edit: http://grainedit.com/
- Identity Designed: http://identitydesigned.com/
- ISO50: http://blog.iso50.com/
- Lovely Package: http://lovelypackage.com/
- Lovely Stationery: http://lovelystationery.com/
- SeptemberIndustry: http://www.septemberindustry.co.uk/
- Swiss Legacy: http://swisslegacy.com/
- UPPERCASE: http://www.uppercasegallery.ca/
- Visuelle: http://visuelle.co.uk/
Data Visualization(データ視覚化)
- datavisualization.ch: http://datavisualization.ch/
- FlowingData: http://flowingdata.com/
- GE Data Visualization: http://visualization.geblogs.com/
- Infographics – GOOD http://www.good.is/infographics
- Information Aesthetics: http://infosthetics.com/
- Information is Beautiful: http://www.informationisbeautifu…
- Nicholas Feltron: http://feltron.tumblr.com/
- Visual Complexity: http://www.visualcomplexity.com/vc/
- Well-formed Data: http://well-formed-data.net/
- I Love Typography: http://ilovetypography.com/
- The Font Feed: http://fontfeed.com/
- Typography Served: http://www.typographyserved.com/
- Typographica: http://typographica.org/
- Typojungle: http://typojungle.net/slanted-16…
- Ministry of Type: http://ministryoftype.co.uk/
- Typography.com: http://www.typography.com/ask/
- swisslegacy: http://swisslegacy.com/
- SeptemberIndustry: http://www.septemberindustry.co.uk/
- For Print Only: http://www.underconsideration.com/fpo/
- Aisleone: http://www.aisleone.net/
- John Hockenberry: We are all designers
- Tim Brown urges designers to think big
- Paola Antonelli previews “Design and the Elastic Mind”
- Paola Antonelli treats design as art
- Timothy Prestero: Design for people, not awards
- John Hodgman: Design, explained.
- Sebastian Deterding: What your designs say about you
- Emily Pilloton: Teaching design for change
- Mathieu Lehanneur demos science-inspired design
- The design genius of Charles + Ray Eames
High Brow(知識人向け)
- Form Fifty Five: http://formfiftyfive.com
- It’s Nice That: http://itsnicethat.com
- VVORK: http://www.vvork.com
- but does it float: http://butdoesitfloat.com
Communication, Collaboration, and Leadership
- The Innovator’s Way by Peter J. Denning and, Robert P. Dunham
- Solving Tough Problems by Adam Kahane
- Moments of Truth by Jan Carlzon
- Cultural Intelligence by David Thomas
- Selling to the VP of No by David Gray
- Let My People Go Surfing by Yvon Chouinard
- Powers to Lead by Joseph S. Nye
- Difficult Conversations by Douglas Stone, Bruce Patton, Sheila Heen, and Roger Fisher
- A General Theory of Love by Dr. Thomas Lewis
- The Power of a Positive No by William Ury
- The Opposable Mind by Roger Martin
- Emotional Intelligence 2.0 by Travis Bradberry, Jean Greaves, and Patrick M. Lencioni
Strategy and Business Design(ストラテジー & ビジネスデザイン)
- Making Innovation Work by Tony Davila, Marc J. Epstien, and Robert Shelton
- Business Model Generation by Alexander Osteralder and Yves Pigneur
- Designing Organizations by Jay R. Galbraith
- The Design of Business by Roger Martin
- Change by Design by Tim Brown
- Built to Last by Jim Collins and Jerry I. Porras
- Sustainable Business Development by David L. Rainey
- Designing Brand Identity by Alina Wheeler
- Making Meaning by Steve Diller, Nathan Shedroff, Darrel Rhea
- The Future of Management by Bill Breen and Gary Hamel
Economics and Metrics (経済学 & メトリックス)
- Prophet of Innovation by Thomas McCraw
- The Economists Guide the Numbers Guide by Richard Stutely
- Predictably Irrational by Dan Ariely
- Financial Intelligence by Karen Berman, Joe Knight, and John Case
- Understanding the Corporate Annual Report by Lyn M. Fraser and Aileen M. Ormiston
- Interest and Inflation Free Money by Margrit Kennedy
Organizational Culture (組織文化)
- A Whole New Mind by Dan Pink
- The Catalyst by Jeanne Liedtka, Robert Rosen, Robert Wiltbank
- Guide to Organizational Design by Naomi Stanford
- Free Lunch by David Kay Johnson
- Gangs of America by Ted Nace
- As The Future Catches You by Juan Enriquez
- No Logo by Naomi Klein
Sustainability and Social Innovation(サステイナビリティー & ソーシャルイノベーション)
- Climate Capitalism by Hunter L. Lovins and Boyd Cohen
- Beyond Growth by Herman Daly
- Beyond the Bottom Line by Joel Makower
- Beyond the Limits by Donella H. Meadows, Dennis L. Meadows, and Jorgen Randers
- Biomimicry by Janine Benyus
- Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed by Jared Diamond
- Cradle to Cradle by William McDonough and Michael Braungart
- Design + Environment by Helen Lewis, John Gertakis, Tim Grant, Nicola Morelli, and Andrew Sweatman
- Design Is the Problem by Nathan Shedroff
- Ecological Literacy by David Orr, et al
- Ecology Of Commerce by Paul Hawken
- Emotionally Durable Design by Jonathan Chapman
- The End of Nature by Bill Mckibben
- The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid by C. K. Parhalad
- In the Bubble by John Thackara
- The Joyless Economy by Tibor Scitovsky
- Leading Change Toward Sustainability by Bob Doppelt
- The Meaning of Things by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
- Mid-Course Correction by Ray Anderson
- The Nature of Design by David Orr
- The Next Sustainability Wave by Bob Willard
- The Omnivore’s Dilemma by Michael Pollan
- Organizational Change for Corporate Sustainability by Dunphy & Griffith
- Plan B 4.0 by Lester Brown
- The Shock Doctrine by Naomi Klein
- Silent Spring by Rachel Carson et al
- Squeaky Green by Eric Ryan and Adam Lowry
- Strategy for Sustainability by Adam Werbach
- The Sustainability Advantage by Bob Willard and John Elkington
- Sustainable Strategic Management: Strategic Management by W. Edward Stead, Jean Garner Stead, and Mark Starik
- Thinking in Systems by Donella Meadows
- The Truth About Green Business by Gil Friend
- The Unsettling of America by Wendell Berry
- Valuing the Earth by Herman E. Daly and Kenneth N. Townsend
- Worldchanging by Alex Steffan
Design and Customer Experience (カスタマーエクスペリンスデザイン)
- Design for the Real World by Victor Papanek
- Design Like You Give a Damn by Cameron Sinclair and Kate Stohr
- Experience Design 1.1 by Nathan Shedroff
- Universal Principles of Design by William Lidwell, Kritina Holden, and Jill Butler
- Experiences in Visual Thinking by Robert H. McKim
- Design Research edited by Brenda Laurel
- No Logo by Naomi Klein
- Building Strong Brands by David Aaker
- Why We Buy by Paco Underhill
- The Creative Priority by Jerry Hirshberg
- The Visual Display of Quantitative Information by Edward Tufte
- New Venture Creation by Jeffry A. Timmons and Stephen Spinelli
- Utopian Entrepreneur by Brenda Laurel
- 9 to 5 (directed by Colin Higgins, 1980) Amazon
- An Inconvenient Truth (directed by Davis Guggenheim, 2008) Amazon
- Deep Dive (ABC News Nightline, 1999)
- Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room (directed by Alex Gibney, 2005) Amazon
- Food, Inc. (directed by Robert Kenner, 2008) Amazon
- How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying(directed by David Swift, 1967) Amazon
- The Powers of Ten (directed by Charles and Ray Eames, 1968) Amazon
- *Startup.com (directed by Jehane Noujaim and Chris Hegedus, 2001) Amazon
- Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price (directed by Robert Greenwald, 2005) Amazon
- Who Killed the Electric Car? (directed by Chris Paine, 2006)Amazon
- Driving Sustainable Design (BusinessWeek, Special report, July 2, 2007)
- 10 Worst Innovation Mistakes In A Recession(BusinessWeek, 2008)
- Creativity Comes to B-School](http://www.businessweek.com/bschools/content/mar2006/bs20060326_8436_bs0…) (BusinessWeek, 2006)
- Design Intervention (Fast Company, 2006)
- Driving Sustainable Design (BusinessWeek, 2007)
- Innovating Through Recession (Kellog School of Management, 2008)
- CEOs Must Be Designers, Not Just Hire Them. Think Steve Jobs And iPhone. (BusinessWeek, 2008)
- P&G Changes Its Game (BusinessWeek, 2008)
- Tough Love (Fast Company, 2006)
- [Tomorrow’s B-School? It Might Be A D-School](http://www.businessweek.com/magazine/content/05_31/b3945418.htm(BusinessWeek, 2005)
- The Power of Design (BusinessWeek, 2004)
- The MFA in the new MBA (Harvard Business Review, 2008)
- Streamlining HP (Fast Company, 2007)
- RECOMMENDED RESOURCES by California College of The Arts (DMBA)
- What are the most influential design blogs?
筆者: Masato Brian Miura @rami2929